Welcome to Millennium Farms!
Welcome to Millennium Farms! This facility is located in Worcester County, MD and is the site of ACRE Delmarva’s anaerobic digestion. Alternative crops such as switchgrass and cover crops (e.g., ryegrass) are fed to these digesters alongside chicken manure. Through the anaerobic digestion process, biogas and digestate are produced. These products can be utilized to encourage sustainable agricultural practices.

Millennium Farms is home to large anaerobic digestion tanks, where we input chicken manure (barn on the left) alongside alternative crops as co-feed stocks to produce biogas and digestate. This co-digestion with alternative crops helps improve the carbon to nitrogen ratio of the digested material.

Here's an inside look at what goes on behind the scenes of anaerobic digestion. Not a lot of excess processing for such a large system!

You can actually climb up to stand on top of the anaerobic digesters! Up here, the barrels you see on either side of the bridge have a pool liner installed to collect excess rainwater when the cover is removed.

Besides biogas, digestate in the form of fertilizer is produced from the anaerobic digester. This is known as Element Soil™.

Inside the facility we also have a pilot-scale digestion system. This is where we are conducting a trial with miscanthus as a co-feedstock with chicken manure. We hope to measure how miscanthus affects the composition of the ElementSoil™ produced through digestion.